Jason Bryn Vision of Athens Gold Vision of Athens Gold
2004 Athens Paralympic Games

Jason's Journal Back to all Journal Entries

Time for the biggest race of our careers
Wednesday, September 08, 2004

No matter what race it is that we are about to do, Glenn always says
"I am ready for the biggest race of my career!".  His point is well taken...every race is important and the one before him that day is his focus where he gives his all - and usually wins. 

However, now he can say it and it will be true...  We are actually on our way and heading to the BIGGEST race of our careers.  The time is here!  It's showtime! 

This is what all the sacrifice has been about.  I think back over the past four years about all the early mornings on the bike with my training partners on the tandem before or at sunrise; all the late nights in the dark and cold on the trainer at and beyond midnight; my many pilots' committment, time, blood, sweat and tears; all the time away from Donna, Ellie, Thomas and Megan; all the team training camps; all the financial help from family, friends, and sponsors; all the time away from work; the financial burden; the injury to Andy DuVall from our crash at the 2002 World Championships in Germany; all the ShootOuts struggling to keep pace up the climbs...I see it all in a blur before me.  It is time to now make it all worth it. 

We leave in the morning, starting our travels to Athens.  We go to Washington DC first for a day of processing.  We then leave Friday afternoon on a charter flight for Athens. 

We did a 2.5 hour ride today.  Glenn and I got in some quasi-race pace and time trial efforts in, so that was good.  Our bodies are actually ready for a couple days off.  This will help us peak.  We are ready mentally and physically.  We are in the zone.  For those that have asked me and seen me over the past month and a half...you know I am ready!  Body is primed, heart is willing.

After the morning ride today, we packed our bikes and the rest of our gear.  You should see the 24 foot straight truck with all of our team's bike gear.  Packed to the gills.  I broke down both tandems and packed them in their traveling cases.  It always takes me awhile to do it - you should try unscrewing bolts and taking things apart with your eyes closed or with dirty glasses (simulating what I see)...it is not easy.  Takes a lot of patience - which sometimes I lack.  Today I did okay...worked steady but was definitely exhausted after 4-5 hours of it!   

We put all of our wheels and other componenets in a large tandem box.  We have lots of stuff!  We both sent tools, bike parts and other things home.  I will send another box of clothes home from Washington DC when we get our Olympic clothes. 

For those that watched the opening and closing ceremonies in August, we will have the same gear for our Opening and Closing ceremonies. 

Tune in to TV converage of the 2004 Athens Paralympic Games on September 16th on either CBC (WA, OR) or Telemundo (AZ) depending on where you live.

Both Glenn and I appreciate all the support we have received.  We definitely feel the love.  Thank you!  It means a lot to us to be able to share this with all of you through the website and our journal.  We hope to have pictures and some video maybe too!  Keep checking in.  We will keep the reports up from Athens. 

We are also working on the journal entries having attachment capacity so that we can showcase some photos from Glenn's new digital camera.  For those that know Glenn...watch out...he is moving into the modern world!  He first got a cell phone so that the USADA drug testers could find him, now a digital camera for Athens.  And he is quite the student...a quick learner.  He studies his owner's manual every night.  We have been having fun with the video camera function.  We will try to share some of this with you as soon as we can.  Stay tuned! 

- Jason


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Tucson Citizen Article NEW!
"Two to Athens"
Read the 9/15/2004 article.
Paralympics TV Coverage
Washington and Oregon residents can watch the Paralympic Games on Candandian Broadcast Corporation.
View CBC TV schedule.
Arizona Daily Star
"Challenges? Bring 'em on"
Read the 8/29/2004 article.
New Journal Entries!
Stories from Athens as told by Jason Bryn
Email Team Bryn
Email Jason and Glenn at jason@jasonbryn.com
Competition Results...
during the Paralympic Games are online at:
USOC Media will provide USA Daily
News will be distributed via email, listing results for all Paralympic sports, as well as schedules for the upcoming day. If you'd like to receive the USA Daily, please email Beth Bason Bourgeois at beth.bourgeois@usoc.org with your email address.
Arizona Daily Star
"Locals qualify for Paralympics"
Read the 5/5/2004 article.
Tucson Citizen
Read the 4/26/2004 article.
August 22 - September 9:
Final preparatory camp for 2004 U.S. Paralympic Cycling Team
September 10 - 11:
Travel and arrive in Athens, Greece
September 17:
Opening Ceremony
September 18 - 19:
Track - 4 km mens tandem pursuit qualifier, first round, medal round, and finals.
Team Bryn takes 14th...
September 25:
Mens Tandem Road Race
September 27:
Mens Tandem Road Time Trial
September 28:
Closing Ceremony
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