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2004 Athens Paralympic Games

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Tool Time: A Tool Can't Vote!
Friday, September 17, 2004

It’s “Tool Time” and I am the man.  I feel I am a person who has been deprived of his civil rights at the Paralympics.  I am not alone.  My new sidekick, non-handicapped and now best friend Eric (the pilot/tool on a tandem with blind stoker Matt King) is “handicapped” here at the Paralympic Games in the same way as I...we are able bodied. 


A few short stories here. 


Upon processing when I first arrived I learned my favorite phrase here in Greece (“in five minutes”).  All the athletes breezed through processing.  The three tools (Eric, Katie and Glenn) were detained for “five minutes”.  By my watch...it was an hour and a half.  The three tools had fun with this. 


We were told at an athlete meeting here in Greece that we need to vote for International Paralympic Committee athlete representatives.  The coaches informed us for our best interest please vote for the American and Canadian who were on the ballot.  For me, this was easy.  Show me the card, punch the ticket...let’s go eat.  Now for Eric on the other hand...he needed many hours to study the candidates.  And knowing Eric as I do, my new non-handicapped best friend, he did this and read the entire brochure and all of the candidate’s beliefs and purpose for running.  So...off the boys go...we are voting.  Jason and Matt BREEZE through the system.  Eric and Glenn ...bells and whistles go off.  “You can’t vote...you’re a tool”.  Eric and I laugh this one off.  Eric and I feel like a Southern man in the early 60's that is told to “go to the back of the bus!”.  So that is where Eric and I go...except there is one problem...the tandem Jason and I ride is called the Blue Bus.  And the last time I checked...I think I am still driving that bus! 


The other thing I have found here at the Olympic Village is the country of Israel, I think if we were in trouble...they would be my new best friends.  I will take a picture of their “compound” because it is a compound.  This is what it looks like from the outside.  It has a fence perimeter, with cameras on the fences, 4 on each corner.  A check point, with a bell hop equipped with a semi automatic weapon.  On each corner of the fence (4) there is a bellhop with a high power automatic weapon...and a powerbar.  So I think if I want to go steal a powerbar at midnight, the Israel compound will be my last stop! 


On a lighter note...I have had a great time here.  My teammates are the best.  When we are not training, we have a lot of fun together and talk about what’s for breakfast.  Chicken, rice and beans seem to be my favorite.  The people from other countries are so friendly.  This is a great experience.  I am really glad I was able to get together with Jason and come to Greece and spend taxpayer money.  Since, yes most of my friends and my lover, Liz Jones, (I love you) are hard at work in the States so that I can have fun in Greece eating chicken, rice and beans. 


Gotta go.  The Tool


P.S.  The Tool has gone MIA.  It will be a while before he comes back.  Jason will let you know.  Gotta race! 
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Stories from Athens as told by Jason Bryn
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Tucson Citizen
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August 22 - September 9:
Final preparatory camp for 2004 U.S. Paralympic Cycling Team
September 10 - 11:
Travel and arrive in Athens, Greece
September 17:
Opening Ceremony
September 18 - 19:
Track - 4 km mens tandem pursuit qualifier, first round, medal round, and finals.
Team Bryn takes 14th...
September 25:
Mens Tandem Road Race
September 27:
Mens Tandem Road Time Trial
September 28:
Closing Ceremony
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