Click on "USOC Pressbox" under "Competition Results" on home page. Our women's tandem team was the first medal of the Games for the U.S. today. See the 9/18 article in the USOC Pressbox entitled:
9/18/04 PARALYMPIC GAMES CYCLING: Whitsell/Compton win first medal for the United States
It has a good summary of the first day of racing on the track including our race results and a few quotes. Here is our excerpt from the article:
"In the Men B1-3 Tandem 4km Individual Pursuit, the American team of Jason Bryn (Tucson, Ariz.) and Glenn Bunselmeyer (Bellevue, Wash.) finished 14th.
“We are not sprinters, we are long distance guys,” states Bunselmeyer who is focusing on the road race and time trial. Bryn added, “We were faster than we scheduled for the first three laps and then we dropped off. We felt good, it was a smooth ride and we had a good start.”
Okay...on to the road race in a week (next Saturday). Will see Donna at the track tomorrow after our 2.5 hour hard ride up into the mountains. We go by ourselves, with a support van. Coach said we should go hard to prepare for the road race. So...that will be good.
Well...Glenn and I both had the hard time trial hack (deep chest cough for the non-cyclists) we know we went hard. Legs still feel it.
Upcoming rest/recovery day on Monday. May do some limited sight seeing with Donna and Heather then.
There are some good pictures on the USOC pressbox of Opening Ceremony. See the three jpeg pictures on the bottom of the page of the 9/17 link named
"U.S. Athletes Enjoy the Moment as Opening Ceremonies Kick-Off 2004 Paralympic Games"
For those in Tucson, handcyclist Greg Hockensmith is in the middle of the second jpeg picture. Use the arrows for those three pcitures. They are widescreen, so to speak. Kids will enjoy the fireworks on the third jpeg picture.
Also, click on the bottom of the USOC Press Box home page "Photo Archives", go to "Paralympics", then "Cycling" to see our cycling team picture taken in Athens and our individual press pictures taken during processing. Notice the camoflauge shirt underneath the USA sweat jackets! Go Team Camo.
USOC Press Box is the place to get detailed info as you see. Have fun.
More journal entries to come.
- Jason